Tuesday 24 June 2014


Wonderful memories is what I can say that I got when Catlain, Ellie and their teachers Rod and Michaela visited us in march 2014. It was a good opportunity to have you at our school. We enjoyed your presence here at Trinity College Nabbingo though the time was really short.
Angella and I (Leaticia) were delighted when we were given the pleasure of giving Catlain and Ellie company while at school. We enjoyed their company as well but its so sad to hear that they are not in good terms. Pliz for our sake get back together.
All was well until the short visit came to an end, we had to say bye.
Thank you for the love you showed us.
We are about to have our MDD competitions on Sunday 29th/06/2014. Do you still have the rosaries we gave you. Learn to pray them and mother Mary will protect you.
Take care and stay well.

Thursday 19 June 2014

What have we been up to since our visit?

Since our visit to Trinity College Nabingo we have been getting busy setting up the International Inspiration project back here at YHS.
Myself, Caitlan and Ellie visited all the Year 7s in their Community and Life lessons to talk about our trip and show photo's of our partner school and all the wild-life we had seen! Off the back of theses lessons about 40 Year7s signed up saying they would like to be involved in our exciting new projects either through gaining an African pen friend or getting involved in fundraising to buy sports equipment to support our partner school.
Below is a picture of a few of the students who have been getting involved. The letters they have written will be zooming across the ocean to the pupils at Trinity College Nabingo
very soon!
We are waiting with excitement to receive replies:)

Michaela Cox
International Inspiration Link Teacher

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Thankyou for hosting us so well!

Hi Trinity College Nabingo!

Thank you so much for letting us come and see you all in Uganda. It was amazing!
We especially liked meeting Kayla Angel and Loticia Nalwanga and hearing you sing gospel songs.
We miss you all so much but we're not missing that egg that we couldn't peel!!!
Hopefully we will meet you again in the future. Maybe you can come to England where we would love to show you around.

In the meanwhile we're looking forward to keeping in touch and hearing what's happening at Trinity College Nabingo via the blog.

Write soon

Ellie and Caitlan :)xx

Here we are wearing what was mistakenly thought to be our school uniform;)

Wednesday 4 December 2013

A day in our life at York High School


We really enjoyed speaking to you on Skype the other day (even if the internet connection wasn't great!). Hopefully, we will speak again soon after Christmas and can get to know each other a little bit better.

In the meanwhile here is a bit more information about what it is like on an average day at York High School. It would be good if you could blog and let us know about your school day at Tricona too.

A day in our life at York High School


·        Registration (form): There are 7 forms in our year (Year 10). In each form there are around 20-25 students.

·        After registration we have our first lesson for 1 hour and after that, we have a second lesson for 1 hour.

·        We have break after the first two lessons of the day. At break we usually meet with our friends and sit and talk. Whilst we’re with our friends we eat a snack like crisps or chocolate. We are not allowed to eat in the corridors so we go outside, into the café or the canteen.

·        After break we have lessons three and four which last 1 hour each.

·        Then we have lunch, at lunch time we either go into the café or canteen to buy food. A sandwich is £1.00 - £1.20. When we have bought our lunch we sit down or go to our year areas. There are clubs on at lunch time such as Football or Dodge ball.

·        After lunch we have registration again for 20 minutes.

·        Lesson five is our last lesson of the day which is 1 hour long. We study lessons like Maths, English and Science most days of the week but we also do fun lessons too like Sport, Cooking, Art, and ICT.

·        School finishes at 3.00pm. After school we have many clubs on such as Football, Fitness, Climbing, and Badminton.

We hope you have found this interesting. Please feel free to ask us some questions  about it. We are looking forward to hearing about life at Tricona soon.
Caitlin and the girls from YHS




Friday 15 November 2013


 The above are some of the excited tricona girls;
From down left is Namuli Angella, and Nakacwa Flavia.
On the next line from the the right is Nabateregga Jane,Wajambuka Phiona, Tebagalikka Margaret, Nalutaaya Marion,and Asiimwe Gorret.
The two girls above from the left is  Nalwanga Leticia, and Acheinette Gloria.
They are all excited as well to partner with u all.

I asked them the same questions and they gave these answers.
Q.Where do you live and What is it like?
A. I live outside our capital city kampala in a town called Kiyanja. It has a number of fenced houses and apartments. Its good and an exciting neighborhood.(Marion)
Q.Tell me about your family. Do you have any brothers and Sisters?
A. I have two brothers and one sister and am the last born. We all live quiet along distance away from school.(margaret)
Q.  What is your school like?
A. Trinity College Nabbingo is a girls single school which was started by sisters of the Catholic church and handed over to individuals but government aided. It now has 1200 students and its situated at a few kilometres from the town of Nabbingo.It has a number of  beautiful buildings of classes,administration, dormitories, fields, the farm including the chapel  we pray from.(Angella)
Q. What would you like to d when you leave school?
A. When am done with school, i would like to go on with modeling coz i like it and also sing in my free time. Meanwhile i read hard to become a lawyer.(Leticia)
Q. What sort of music do you listen to?
A. I listen to R and B, Soft Rock, Hip Hop and dance hall. i think i cant live with Jamaican Music too.(Gorret)
Q. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
A. I love reading novels, mainly romantic and detective, listening to music watching movies.(phiona)
Q.What is your favourite food?/
A.Hot Dog and Salads are my best.( Flavia)
Q. Do you like animals and have any pets?
A, We have a adog( German Shepard and we call it Bobby. I always take it out for evening walk when am not occupied. My family and i play with it and it makes us happy.(Phiona)
Thats the brief introduction in form of question and answer. We look forward to hear from you.

Monday 23 September 2013


*My name is Nankya Immaculate, a teacher in Trinity college Nabbingo. My teaching subjects are History, Islam and Physical Education. I have taught here for 4 years.* *Am single and I have no child. Am 30yrs old* *Am the TRICONA link teacher to YORK HIGH SCHOOL in the International Inspiration Program me.* *Am glad that I have managed to communicate with my partner school.* *Am a soccer CAF'C'LICENCE coach and have undergone so many other course.* *I coach our girls football team.* **

Friday 13 September 2013

Meet the girls at YHS


Sheena Hogarth, Lily Anderson, paige Moorby, Georgia Lacey, Ellie Moriss, Ellie Ridley,Caitlin Elliott, Jess Pownall and Megan Steel are all excited to be getting involved in this partnership.
I asked them a few questions so that you could find out a bit about them:

Q. Where do you live and what's it like?
A. I live on the outskirts of the City of York in a place called Acomb. I like living here because there are lots of parks but if I want to find some good shops then I would have to travel into the main city centre. (Georgia)

Q. Tell me about your family. Do you have any brothers and sisters?
A. I have two brothers and two sisters. We all live close to the school that I attend. (Lilly)

Q. What is your school like?
York High School is a fairly new school ( made from two other schools joining together) that is situated in the middle of our local community. It is a large brick building with its own sports centre including a swimming pool, climbing wall, astro- turf and gym. Inside the main school there is a library with lots of computers and every classroom has a multi-media whiteboard that helps to make the lessons more interesting. (Ellie)

Q. What would you like to do when you leave school?
A. I would love to be a professional athlete as I am already a sports leader in school. If not I would like to work in the beauty industry. (Caitlin)

Q. What sort of music do you listen to?
A. I like pop music. My favourite group are 'One Direction'. They are amazing!! (Shenna)

Q. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
A. I like going horseriding and I cycle everywhere which helps me keep fit:) (Caitlin)

Q. What's your favourite food?
A. I like all different types of food but my most favourite food is pizza. (Megan)

Q. Do you have any special talents?
A. I like to sing on the stage and I played an orphan in the school production of Annie recently. (Jess)

and lastly..
Q.Do you like animals and have any pets?
A. Yes, I have a dog, a love bird (which are quite rare in England ) and two fish! (Ellie)

So.. thats all for now. A very brief introduction to the girls but as a group we are excited about getting to make friends from a different country and finding out about our different cultures.
We break up for our Summer holidays next week but are looking forward to speaking on Skype when we come back to school in September:)