Wednesday 4 December 2013

A day in our life at York High School


We really enjoyed speaking to you on Skype the other day (even if the internet connection wasn't great!). Hopefully, we will speak again soon after Christmas and can get to know each other a little bit better.

In the meanwhile here is a bit more information about what it is like on an average day at York High School. It would be good if you could blog and let us know about your school day at Tricona too.

A day in our life at York High School


·        Registration (form): There are 7 forms in our year (Year 10). In each form there are around 20-25 students.

·        After registration we have our first lesson for 1 hour and after that, we have a second lesson for 1 hour.

·        We have break after the first two lessons of the day. At break we usually meet with our friends and sit and talk. Whilst we’re with our friends we eat a snack like crisps or chocolate. We are not allowed to eat in the corridors so we go outside, into the café or the canteen.

·        After break we have lessons three and four which last 1 hour each.

·        Then we have lunch, at lunch time we either go into the café or canteen to buy food. A sandwich is £1.00 - £1.20. When we have bought our lunch we sit down or go to our year areas. There are clubs on at lunch time such as Football or Dodge ball.

·        After lunch we have registration again for 20 minutes.

·        Lesson five is our last lesson of the day which is 1 hour long. We study lessons like Maths, English and Science most days of the week but we also do fun lessons too like Sport, Cooking, Art, and ICT.

·        School finishes at 3.00pm. After school we have many clubs on such as Football, Fitness, Climbing, and Badminton.

We hope you have found this interesting. Please feel free to ask us some questions  about it. We are looking forward to hearing about life at Tricona soon.
Caitlin and the girls from YHS