Tuesday 24 June 2014


Wonderful memories is what I can say that I got when Catlain, Ellie and their teachers Rod and Michaela visited us in march 2014. It was a good opportunity to have you at our school. We enjoyed your presence here at Trinity College Nabbingo though the time was really short.
Angella and I (Leaticia) were delighted when we were given the pleasure of giving Catlain and Ellie company while at school. We enjoyed their company as well but its so sad to hear that they are not in good terms. Pliz for our sake get back together.
All was well until the short visit came to an end, we had to say bye.
Thank you for the love you showed us.
We are about to have our MDD competitions on Sunday 29th/06/2014. Do you still have the rosaries we gave you. Learn to pray them and mother Mary will protect you.
Take care and stay well.

Thursday 19 June 2014

What have we been up to since our visit?

Since our visit to Trinity College Nabingo we have been getting busy setting up the International Inspiration project back here at YHS.
Myself, Caitlan and Ellie visited all the Year 7s in their Community and Life lessons to talk about our trip and show photo's of our partner school and all the wild-life we had seen! Off the back of theses lessons about 40 Year7s signed up saying they would like to be involved in our exciting new projects either through gaining an African pen friend or getting involved in fundraising to buy sports equipment to support our partner school.
Below is a picture of a few of the students who have been getting involved. The letters they have written will be zooming across the ocean to the pupils at Trinity College Nabingo
very soon!
We are waiting with excitement to receive replies:)

Michaela Cox
International Inspiration Link Teacher

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Thankyou for hosting us so well!

Hi Trinity College Nabingo!

Thank you so much for letting us come and see you all in Uganda. It was amazing!
We especially liked meeting Kayla Angel and Loticia Nalwanga and hearing you sing gospel songs.
We miss you all so much but we're not missing that egg that we couldn't peel!!!
Hopefully we will meet you again in the future. Maybe you can come to England where we would love to show you around.

In the meanwhile we're looking forward to keeping in touch and hearing what's happening at Trinity College Nabingo via the blog.

Write soon

Ellie and Caitlan :)xx

Here we are wearing what was mistakenly thought to be our school uniform;)